TONY FULGHAM “Everything & Nothing”
Tony Fulgham’s first new work in almost a decade is a record of returning to one’s voice, both literally and figuratively. The songs are snapshots along the road back to writing and performing for Tony. A road littered with jubilation, grief, mayhem and joy, lost and found. 

After the demise of his last band, Jackrabbit, Fulgham stopped singing for a while. A mourning period, as it were. It was late 2019 before he started writing and attempting to sing again. “Attempt” being the operative word. In August of 2020 the doc found some nasty cells on his right vocal cord that resulted in 7 throat surgeries to date, and a lot of silence. Like, “lost in the woods who the fuck am I?” silence. The answer to that question starts with the title of the record. 

Tony hasn’t strayed far from his roots on his first solo outing. There’s still a lot of twang, rock, heartbreak and redemption, but with a new, existential twist. (Mushrooms will do that to ya.) When it was time to see if these songs could hold water, Fulgham called on some of his most trusted collaborators, and they showed up like legends. Tim DiJulio, Rebecca Young, and Aimee Zoe patiently dealt with the starts and forced stops of getting these songs tracked and mixed, and they pushed the blueprint of every song. If a person can be judged solely on the quality of the company they keep, “Everything & Nothing” is evidence that Fulgham is doing better than most.

Here’s links to all the digital outlets. If you’d like to order vinyl, do that here.



JACKRABBIT 2010-2017
Tony Fulgham-Vocal/Guitar, Moe Provencer-Bass/Vocals, Aimee Zoe-Drums/Vocals. Rebecca Young played bass on the E.P. as well as Jason Montgomery on lap steel. By the time we were ready for a full length, it was a straight power trio with Aimee, Moe, and I. It was an amazing time, but Aimee and Moe were a couple. We all know, as goes the romance, so goes the band. Our final album, Dead Man’s Song was far too prophetic. We broke up before we could really release it. It’s my favorite record that no one has heard.

NORTH TWIN 2006-2010
It sometimes surprises me that we were together for such a short time and only recorded two records considering how huge a part of my life this band was. We broke up when drummer, Rick Cranford made the tough decision to move back home to Boston.
North Twin was Tony Fulgham-Vocals and guitar, Tim DiJulio-lead guitar, Rebecca Young-bass and backing vocals, Rick Cranford-drums.